Footer Blocks

Use these blocks for the footer.

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Footer Block 1

Purpose: Footer section
Layout: Four columns with company info, about, services, and other links
Content: Company name, description, contact info, social media icons, about links, services links, other links, copyright information

Footer Block 2

Purpose: Footer section
Layout: Four columns with company info, about, services, and other links
Content: Company name, description, contact info, social media icons, about links, services links, other links, copyright statement

Footer Block 3

Purpose: Footer section
Layout: Four columns with different content in each column
1. Company name, description, contact information
2. About section with links
3. Services section with links
4. Subscribe section with newsletter form and social media icons

Footer Block 4

Purpose: Footer section
Layout: Three columns with different content in each column
1. Column 1: "About" title, two sub-columns with lists of links
2. Column 2: "Latest Posts" title, three blocks containing image, title, and date
3. Column 3: "Subscribe" title, description, email input form, "Get Social" title, social media icons
4. Bottom part: Copyright information, privacy policy, and terms of use links

Footer Block 5

Purpose: Footer section
Layout: Two columns with copyright information on the left and links on the right
Content: Copyright text, privacy policy link, terms of use link

© 2002 - 2020. All Rights Reserved - Company Name

Footer Block 6

Purpose: Footer section
Layout: Two columns with copyright text on the left and social media icons on the right
Content: Copyright text, social media icons (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube)

© 2002 - 2020. All Rights Reserved - Company Name

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