Shop Blocks

Use these blocks for your ecommerce needs.

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Shop Block 1

Purpose: Collection showcase
Layout: Three columns with images and overlaying text
Content: Collection title, call-to-action link

Shop Block 2

Purpose: Collection showcase
Layout: Two equal columns with images and text overlay
Content: Collection title, call-to-action link

Shop Block 3

Purpose: Product grid
Layout: Responsive grid with equal-width columns
Content: Product image, brand name, product name, price (with optional discount)

Product Block 1

Purpose: Product display section
Layout: Three equal-width columns with each column containing an image and text
Content: Image, product name, short description, price


Product Name

Short description



Product Name

Short description



Product Name

Short description


Product Block 2

Purpose: Product listing section
Layout: Three equal-width columns with product cards
Content: Product image, product name, short description, price, view options button


Product Name

Short description



Product Name

Short description



Product Name

Short description


Product Block 3

Purpose: Product listing section
Layout: Three columns with a product card in each column
Content: Product image, product name, short description, price, and buy now button


Product Name

Short description



Product Name

Short description



Product Name

Short description


Product Block 4

Purpose: Product listing section
Layout: Three equal columns with product cards
Content: Discount labels, product image, product name, short description, price, add to cart button

New 10% off

Product Name

Short description


Hot Sale

Product Name

Short description


20% off

Product Name

Short description


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