Basic Compact Menu
Purpose: Navigation bar
Layout: Responsive header with logo, navigation links, and sign-up button
Content: Company logo, navigation links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), Sign Up button, and mobile menu toggle button
Basic Menu
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Responsive header with a logo, navigation links, and a sign-up button
Content: Company logo, navigation links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), sign-up button, and a mobile menu toggle button
Fullwidth Menu
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Responsive header with logo, navigation links, and sign-up button
Content: Logo, navigation links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), mobile menu toggle button, sign-up button
Left Nabar Menu
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Responsive header with a logo on the left, navigation links in the center, and a sign-up button on the right
Content: Company logo, navigation links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), mobile menu button, and Sign Up button
Center Nabar Menu
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Header with a logo, navigation links, and a Sign Up button
Content: Company logo, Home, About, Features, Services, Contact links, and Sign Up button
Center Layout Menu
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Responsive header with logo, navigation links, and mobile menu toggle button
Content: Company logo, navigation links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), mobile menu toggle button
Center Compact Menu
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Responsive header with menu items and buttons
Content: Company logo, menu items (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), menu-toggler button, search button
Menu 9
Purpose: Header with contact information, social media links, and navigation menu
Layout: Two sections - top section with contact info and social media links, bottom section with company logo and navigation menu
Content: Company phone number, email, social media icons (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube), company logo, navigation menu (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact)
Menu 9 - Responsive Links
Purpose: Header with contact information and navigation menu
Layout: Two sections - top section with contact info and social media icons, bottom section with company logo and navigation menu
Content: Top section - phone number, email address, social media icons; Bottom section - company logo, navigation menu with links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact)
Menu 10
Purpose: Header with contact information, social media links, and navigation menu
Layout: Three sections - contact info and social media links in the top bar, and navigation menu below
Content: Contact phone number, email, social media icons, company logo, navigation links, search button
Menu 11
Purpose: Header with navigation and social media/contact information
Layout: Two sections: top section with social media icons and contact information, bottom section with logo, navigation menu, and search button
Content: Social media icons, phone number, email, logo, navigation menu (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), search button
Menu 12 - Using group hover
Purpose: Header with navigation and contact information
Layout: Two sections - top bar with social media icons and contact info, and main navigation bar
Content: Social media icons, phone number, email, company logo, navigation menu, search button
Menu 13 - Using group hover
Purpose: Header with navigation and social links
Layout: Top section with social icons and contact info, bottom section with company logo, navigation menu, and search icon
Content: Social icons, phone number, email, company logo, navigation menu (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), search icon
Menu 14 - Using group hover
Purpose: Header with navigation and contact information
Layout: Top section with two columns (logo on the left and contact info on the right), followed by a horizontal line, and a bottom section with a responsive navigation menu
Content: Company logo, phone number, email address, navigation links (Home, About, Features, Services, Contact), mobile menu toggle button, and search button
Menu 15
Purpose: Navigation header
Layout: Container with flexbox, responsive design, and hidden menu for smaller screens
Content: Company logo, search icon, cart icon with item count, account icon, menu items (Home, About, Collection, Shop, Blog), mobile menu toggle button