Form Block 1
Purpose: Contact form
Layout: Single column with form elements
Content: Heading, name input, email input, message textarea, submit button
Get In Touch
Form Block 2
Purpose: Contact form
Layout: Two columns for input fields (Name and Email on the left, Subject and Message on the right)
Content: Name input, Email input, Subject input, Message textarea, Submit button
Get In Touch
Form Block 3
Purpose: Contact form
Layout: Two rows with two columns each for input fields, followed by a full-width message field and a submit button
Content: First name, last name, email, how did you hear about us (dropdown), message, submit button
Form Block 4 - grouped inputs
Purpose: Email signup section
Layout: Single column with an input field and a button inside a form
Content: Email input field, Sign Up button
Form Block 5
Purpose: Search bar section
Layout: Two elements within a form, input field on the left and a button on the right
Content: Email input field with a placeholder, and a search button with an icon and text
Form Block 6
Purpose: Search bar section
Layout: Two columns with input field on the left and search button on the right
Content: Input field (email type), search button with icon
Form Block 7
Purpose: Sign In form
Layout: Single column with a form inside a container
Content: Title, description, email input, password input, remember me checkbox, submit button
Sign In
Use this awesome form to sign in users.